Bounty Board

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Claim whichever bounty you’d like and earn cash!

Claim one bounty at a time and complete claimed bounties to earn cash.

Payouts for the previous month will be processed at the beginning of each month.

To join the bounty board you must be sent a join email.

Bounty board quick start:

  • Select a bounty you'd like to claim. Add yourself to the card and drag the card to the In Progress list.
  • Once complete drag the card to pending review and wait to see if it is approved or needs more work
  • you may only take what you are qualified to take. Example: builder takes a builder card, touch up artist takes touch up artist cards.
  • Please only take one card.
  • Multiple people can take a bounty if agreed between the people.

Video tutorial:

Bounty Board Rules:

Progress and Review

  1. You may only have one card in progress at a time (with the exception of one that came back from review or occasionally custom commissioned cards).
  2. If a card comes back from review it will gain the “returning from review” tag.
  3. You may only have one card that has come back from review. If there are more they will go back into the “to do” section with the FIX tag.
  4. If team leads see someone who has cards consistently being sent back to be fixed, that someone may be limited to only having one card in review AND in to-do.

Taking New bounties

  1. Once you finish a task it can move to “pending review” and you may take another bounty and move the new bounty into “in progress."
  2. You may only take bounties that correspond to your roles (builders take builds, textures artists take textures, etc.)
  3. If you have a Group card you may not pick up another bounty until it has been approved.
  4. In group cards, if the leader of the card (molly, dan, cory, etc.) specifically says a certain person can take another card, they may take another card.
  5. Multiple people can take one bounty if agreed upon by all participating. This will cause the payment to be split equally between them all.
  6. One day before the due date if its not completed progress screenshots should be shown when asked for.
  7. If you take a card while you have one already in progress you will be removed from the card.
  8. If you take two or more cards at the same time and finish them all you will only be paid for one card.

Card Claiming

  1. Only the person whose name is on the card can complete that card.
  2. There is no Trading cards without letting a moderator know and making sure the names are properly switched on the card

Custom Commissions

  1. If you have done a custom build/commission and there is no card for it, let a moderator know and they will create a card for you. Do not create one yourself.

Bonus Money

  1. If a card/task is eligible, there will be directions on the card to earn a bonus.
  2. Anyone can petition for more money for their build with the Team Lead if they feel it is justified.


  1. Necessary rules can be added in the future if agreed upon by all those moderating the bounty board.